resources become toys to control, manipulate and en- realign with the higher forces, thus cooperating, or to
slave. The outcome creates a distortion and destruction have anger outbursts at the whole world and at God and
of life in one way or another. Instead of creating more react with violence; God is blamed for the personal crisis
order and quality, the ego creates more chaos and re- or defeat.
gression on the short or long run.
The key word is cooperation; as the individual learns to
Endless example exist to illustrate this reality, starting cooperate with the environment, he or she can focus on
from the pollution of the air, water and earth, to the personal tasks and rely on others for other services, inextreme abuse of animal experiments in laboratories. stead of doing everything alone. Cooperation is the esAnother case is the farmers in England who were feed- sence of real efficiency, for one can use time and reing cattle with inappropriate, yet cheaper, food which source in personal tasks and thus provide quality serconstituted of rotten remains of dead animals; the out- vices, instead of trying to accomplish everything alone,
come of the misuse and abuse led to the "mad cow" falling apart with fatigue and providing unsatisfactory
disease which killed in a cruel manner consumers and services as a result. One must strive to work relative to
cattle. On another scale, the misuse can manifest itself the right economy of resource and true efficiency.
in the need to manipulate the body extensively and disThe same rule applies with the higher forces; the inditort it as a result, such as the use of silicone injection in vidual has to let go and trust life with all its uncertainty.
the body who often lead to serious health problems or Doing one's best and allowing life to proceed with sucthe use of all kinds of extreme diets which distorts the cess or failure, then learn from the results. To apply this
body functions.
approach, the ego has to transcend the illusion of perfecThe bottom line is that for the ego to participate and tion and understand that life is a medium of work, there
interfere in nature and in the larger scheme of things, will always be something to improve. Trusting life is unthe intention behind every initiation must be pure, derstanding that despite the imperfections, there is a
meaning for the benefit of the whole including of na- meaning for everything, and that the higher forces are
ture. Otherwise humans will distort the already limited intelligent and just and therefore ultimately reliable.
resources. We have only one body and one earth so to
As the soul realigns itself with the higher forces, anspeak.
other potential problem exists in the other extreme,
Furthermore the ego has to recognize that its ability which is to be ashamed of the ego. The soul goes
to control the environment is based on the acquired through a phase in which it needs to humiliate the ego
knowledge, and this knowledge no matter how sophis- for the sake of purity and modesty. In this case every
ticated, is limited. In other words the ego has still a lot source of joy becomes sinful; the individual becomes a
to learn from life and the higher forces; therefore the masochist. Pain and hurting are accepted as glorifying
ego must be humble, surrendering and accepting that it experiences.
is not in control of everything. Otherwise again it has to
This is usually a difficult dynamic to uncover since most
face destructive consequences.
people would not admit that they accept and value sufThe need to be in control of everything feeds on the fering and hurting. In reality most of these souls live unillusion of perfection. It creates the desire to eliminate satisfactory, humiliating and painful lives, and find every
all possible mistakes or flaws in life. Thus the individual argument and excuse to stay in these patterns. A masowishes to conquer the future by planning it far ahead. chist can be defined as someone who does not do
The strong limitation in this approach is that by control- enough to stop the hurting in his or her own life.
ling the future the individual cannot learn anything
The truth about masochism is that it originates from
new. The future is planned according to the past expe- selfishness. As one neglects oneself and accepts hurting
riences and therefore is confined relative to the existing for the sake of purity or in the name of service to others,
knowledge and understanding of the person. Sooner or the ego glorifies itself in martyrdom; it is an action comlater the plans made for the future have to crumble ing straight from the ego in disguise. It is yet another way
since they do not fit with nature's development; the to misuse nature and its resources. The individual has to
unexpected has to strike in order to transcend the limi- be happy and healthy in order to serve well; by neglecttations of the plans. As it occurs one can choose to be ing oneself, one neglects and humiliates life.
humble and
Part III. Uranus ruler of Aquarius, higher octave of Mercury
Through the archetype of Aquarius, the soul deals a process of continual improvement, new realities are
with the necessity of introducing new components into created with new phenomena.
the chain of life in order to adjust to the new needs exThe present does not remain the same ; there is a need
pressed through the Virgo archetype. As life undergoes. to find new solutions for problems or existential