to raise the feeling of responsibility for the services done and thus to improve their inherent quality . Recklessness is recognized as dangerous .
From there , the soul adopts an analytical and critical approach towards life . Nothing can be neglected or overlooked for every detail is important to make the whole chain work . The individual strives to control the environment and thus to prevent life from being at risk . There is a need to secure the future of life .
Through the critical approach the soul becomes aware that life is not operating at its optimal potential . The equations and the logic of life learned through the Gemini phase reflect a reality that is whole , reliable and applicable ; yet this reality can be improved . The original set of nature can be modified .
Also through the critical approach the soul realizes yet another truth , that the amount of resources available in the world are limited . There is limited amount of land , time , energy , money , and so on . Thus the need arises to organize life so as to maximize the efficiency in use and to minimize the waste of resources . The struggle is to find the right economy of nature .
The individual has a hard time resting because everything is stressful . Time becomes expensive and cannot be wasted with " useless " actions . The individual develops a guilt pattern which prevents him or her to relax and have a good time . Every action must be justified with concrete results . Usually , the build up of stress overcharges the nervous system , and can lead to outbursts of any kind .
The ego at this stage is very active and strong for it takes the right to interfere with the creation of God . The ego becomes a full participant in the divine scheme of things as it influences and modifies the original regulations of life . Since the dynamics of life can be improved , it induces that nothing is perfect and that there is room for change .
In the quest for improvement , the individual strives to know , monitor , measure , analyze , and criticize everything . The awareness of existing problems becomes central as the soul experiences crisis and lack in the course of life . With it comes the search for new solutions and improvement .
As one progresses in improving the function of self and the environment , one reduces the affect of chaos in life . Gradually the soul tames nature through Virgo ; it transforms the raw manifestation of life into a refined and efficient organism . Life in its primal and original form is unexploited and gross ; the functions within this form are basic and limited . The individual analyses the chain of life and breaks down its constituents in order to understand every detail within it , thus learning to use the constituents in a more productive manner .
For example petroleum exists beneath the earth ' s crust ; yet its raw form is useless . It is only after a process of decomposition and refinement that the petroleum can be valuable and useful , such as in gas for vehicles , or in the production of plastic materials .
Another example refers to times when human life expectancy was approximately thirty years . People lived without understanding the overall mechanism of their body ; they were powerless facing diseases and could only project their suffering on the world of spirit and superstition . The higher forces were the only remedy for difficulties ranging from disease to famine to disputes etc ... The world was chaotic for humans for it was beyond the human ability to comprehend and interfere .
By analyzing the mechanism of the body , by separating the defined function of each organ , it has become possible to improve the health and the physical quality of life . Humans have gradually become more independent of the higher forces as they have become more knowledgeable , thus reducing the lack of control and the suffering which is experience in chaos . Again , the ego has increased in power as it has become more independent .
The ultimate purpose in gradually mastering and controlling the mechanism of life is to be able to help the higher forces and simultaneously , to learn more . As humans have become more independent , they have found better ways of enhancing and ensuring life . They have become more efficient , fighting diseases with cures and vaccines , or protecting themselves from weather conditions with air-conditioning and refrigerators . In so doing they have enabled the primal forces of life to expand and grow . Additionally by being independent , humans have developed methods of learning more sophisticated and complex paradigms . The cooperation between Earth and the heavens is established though this archetype .
The condition for succeeding in the relationship between the earth and the heavens , or between the ego and the higher forces , is for the ego in its independence to always remember the ultimate reasons for its actions . The ego in its separation has to remember that its purpose in individual development is to serve the higher forces and to contribute in its own way for the betterment of the whole . The holistic reality reflects that the separated constituents of the chain of life in their interdependence ; either win or lose together .
A strong tendency is for the ego the get carried away in its independence and thus forget the union with the higher forces ; the individual then sinks in the illusion of separation . In this scenario , the ego uses its power and knowledge for selfish purposes only and intervenes in the original setup of nature without sensitivity and consideration for the environment . Nature and its