БҚМУ жаршысы - Вестник ЗКГУ ЗКГУ. Вестник, 1-2019 | Page 13

БҚМУ Хабаршы №1-2019ж. UDC 37.035.6: 512.1 Moldagaliev B.A. – candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, WKSU named after M. Utemisov E-mail: [email protected] Mukhieva G.S. – master student, WKSU named after M.Utemisov E-mail: [email protected] METHODS OF PATRIOTIC UPBRINGING TO HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS Annotation. The article deals with the theory and methodology of Patriotic education of high school students in the pedagogical process of secondary school. The features of Patriotic education of high school students are revealed. The ways of realization of the peculiarities of patriotic education are determined. Keywords: general secondary education, pupils, teachers, pedagogical process, patriotism, patriotic upbringing. The solution of a number of problems in the life of the country largely depends on the level of development of civil society, the formation of a high Patriotic consciousness, a sense of pride in their Homeland, education readiness to fulfill civil duty to protect the interests of the Motherland. The system of patriotic upbringing is the formation and development of socially significant values, citizenship and patriotism in the process of education and upbringing of all forms and types of educational institutions; conducting mass political and educational work in labor collectives, army, public organizations; mass media to provide citizens with an opportunity to analyze, study and demonstrate patriotic education topics. Sh.Kudaibergenuly, Abai Kunanbayev, Al-Farabi, J.Balasagun, M.Kashkari, A.Divaev, G.N. Potanin, K.D. Ushinsky, Sh.Valihanov and others are influential to generate love for their native land. The love for the Motherland, warm feelings of the Alashorda people A.Baitursynov, M.Dulatov, S.Toraigyrov and others. Great personalities who have proved their work with words. During the Soviet era, Kazakhstan's schools have enough scientific-theoretical foundations and practical experience in patriotic education. Studying and sorting out the experience of the Soviet era in the conditions of the modern market economy, raising the level of patriotism of schoolchildren, the demand for today's requirements is growing. Theoretical and methodological basis of patriotic upbringing of young generation in the philosophical doctrine is the conceptual idea of this problem, potential in education A.Aitzali, G.Yesim, A.Nysanbayev, B.Gershunsky. D.Kysybekov and others. In the field of history M.Kozybayev, O.Smagulov, L.Akhmetova and others. in the field of philology M.Auezov, S.Mukanov, M.Zholdasbekov and others. The issues of development of education and upbringing in Kazakhstan, effective use of folk pedagogy in the upbringing of young generation and patriotic education of personality through epic poems and musical compositions have been studied in K.Zharykbaev, S.Kaliev, M.Baltabayev, T.Konyratbaev and others. The patriotic upbringing in the Republic of Kazakhstan relies on the following normative legal documents, state concepts and programs: - Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan (last modified in 1995); - The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Education" (with the last amendments and additions in 2007); - The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan" (with the last amendments and supplements in 2017); - The Law on Language (July 11, 1997); 12