Zone Out Mode Oct. 2014 | Page 19

! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! “IF YOU LOVE SOMETHING ENOUGH YOU WILL HAVE IT…” 1. What initially inspired .you to follow a music career? I always loved music and thought writing a song for a girl would make her like me more (it didn't) and then I realised I loved music more. It's kinda my girlfriend to me, ha, when you realise that the thing you love can also be your job you'd be a fool not to chase it. “I always try have a laugh before I go on stage, the better the mood I’m in, the better the show normally for me.!” 2. What was it like to create your own EP? Could you tell us a little bit about it?! Creating my first EP was cool. I did the whole thing in 3 days. It killed me, I got tambourine elbow. It was the hottest three days of the year and the producer Ash and I stayed in a basement, like gremlins making music. ! 3. How did you feel when the EP was finished? When the EP was finished and mixed and mastered I just wanted to put it out there. It was a collection of songs that I wrote about one relationship ending and diving straight into another so I didn't want it to sound specific to one person. That's why I hope it relates to a lot of young and dumb relationships. 4. What were your thoughts behind your song ‘Aeroplanes’? "Aeroplanes was pretty much a text I wanted to send to my current girlfriend. I wrote this giant message telling her how I wanna be with her and how she should come stay over… I was so scared of being cringe. I wrote a song saying it instead. Which is kinda cringe haha." “I remember the first time I heard one of my songs being sung back at me, it was an emotional moment.!” 5. Do you have any prestage rituals you do before performing?! I’ve started becoming that green tea lad, doing the vocal warm ups to myself in a corner. I used to sit by the bar pretending not to be nervous. I always try have a laugh before I go on stage, the better the mood I’m in, the better the show normally for me." 6. How do you feel when you are performing one of your songs on stage? "In my sets there is a lot of crowd interaction, I remember the first time I heard one of my songs being sung back at me, it was an emotional moment." “I'm influenced a lot by 80’s music…I love the festival feel of songs…’ 7. What was your favourite performing experience, and where was it?! The Troubadour in London has always been one of my 19