Zeta Skulls Magazine March 2014 | Page 10

Upcoming Opportunities March 8, 2014 to Visit and Give Back 
 -Skull’s Annual Phoneathon Mar. 29th -Alumni Weekend June 6-8th - H o m e c o m i n g a n d Fa m i ly Weekend Oct. 24th-26th 2014 Phoneathon Date Set! It’s here again! The annual Phoneathon is the only fundraiser the Alumni Corp. holds, and the proceeds are used to pay the bills and taxes for the Chapter House as well as to fund repairs and maintenance projects. We urge all alumni to contribute as it all goes toward the very foundation of our chapter and we would not be able to function without your generous gifts. Proposed Zeta Mentorship Program One of the many positives to being involved in Phi Kappa Sigma is the shared connection with hundreds of extremely talented and accomplished alumni.! We feel that this connection can be further strengthened through a Zeta Mentorship Program, where we would pair current actives with alums who could expose them to the field they are interested in pursuing after college.! We Love Hearing from Our Alums! Please feel free to send any stories, comments questions, and photos of your t i m e a t Z e t a C h a p t e r, P K S t o [email protected] We intend to incorporate these into a commemorative 160th anthology! This Program, would foster stronger bonds and rapport between the active members and alums, while benefitting both parties. Current members would gain knowledge and opportunities, while alums would be able to share the knowledge they have garnered over the years.! As communication between the Alumni Corp. and the chapter continue we would love to hear you opinions on the proposed project. Please send them to [email protected]! Soon to follow will be the mentorship application form, where you can apply if interested in giving back to the next generation of successful Phi Kaps. Zeta Magazine 10  N    Get Involved Feature N  Get Involved Feature N  Get Involved Feature N  Get Involved Feature N  Get Involved Featur  N  Get Involved Feature N  Get Involved Feature N  Get Involved Feature N  Get Involved Feature N  Get Involved Featur Zeta Magazine