It is the small things in life that
matter. What is your simple
everyday luxury that you like to
indulge in?
MK: I like to indulge in many daily
things. I awake when I want. I take a
bath by candle-light every day. When
I get out of my tub, I slather my body
and face with 100% Organic Virgin
Coconut Oil. I indulge in a morning
green juice, which I cold press, and I
water my garden. Life is good at 74.
Visit Mimi over at her site and don’t
forget to check out her two books…I
am going to get one myself
Written By Claire Charters
Craving something
sweet? C h e c k o u t
M i m i ’s d e l i c i o u s
apple pie on the next
A book by Mimi
Enjoy the tastes of
international raw foods from
Spain, France, Germany, Italy,
Greece, India and Thailand
without ever packing a bag or
catching a plane.
You will be transported by the
beautiful photography and it
will inspire you to start eating
more healthy. This is a book
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