Zenspiration Magazine January Issue | Page 25

How do you keep track that your body is getting all the nutrients you need? MK: I do get a blood test yearly to test my B and D vitamin levels. If they are off, I will take a liquid supplement. I know I’m getting nutrients because I feel amazingly young. I wake up thinking I’m in my twenties…that is until I pass by a mirror. I also know because I juice daily, which provides me with more nutrients than people eating a standard American diet. When you have your “sweet tooth moment”, what do you like to eat? MK: There are so many dishes I fix for that, but I must mention I don’t have the sweet tooth I use to have when eating cooked foods. When I eat raw treats I’m satisfied with a small amount. OK, to be exact..i eat chocolate. I make great raw chocolates, I love chia pudding, raw ice creams, cheesecake – (nut based), pies, and chocolate chip cookies…yes, all raw…and all delicious. What is your secret to staying so young and radiant? MK: I put diet at the top of my list. Second I do yoga and walk. I am happy person and look at the positive in life, and don’t dwell on t he negative, I don’t sweat the small stuff-(most things are the small stuff) I love my family, and I’m in a very happy committed relationship for the past eleven years with a man nineteen years my junior. I’m grateful for every day. At 74 you are so beautiful! What is your beauty secret? MK: I don’t think there really are secrets. We all know what to do. We all know diet is important. We all know that soda, processed and packaged foods are not good for us. We certainly know that fast foods are bad for us. We all know that exercise is important, managing stress is important. Yet some people choose to continue not to pay attention until they are sick, and maybe still continue bad habits after they know what would help them. It’s not about genes, which researchers say is only a small percent of how long and well we live, it’s about taking action to love ones self enough to take good care of our self. It’s never to early, and it’s never too late to make changes. The secrets are out.