Zenspiration Magazine January Issue | Page 22

A few months ago I stumbled upon Mimi Kirk – a 74 year old woman who lives a raw diet and looks not a day over 40. Now while I am not all that i n t e r e s t e d i n o u t s i d e b e a u t y, a s I believe true beauty comes from the heart. There was something about Mimi that just intrigued me, I think it goes beyond her outside beauty – I think it is the radiance, passion and youthfulness that shines f r o m w i t h i n h e r. Many people fear getting older, fear that they will lose there looks, energy, health and zest for life and I believe that Mimi is living proof that a person only gets better with age. There really is something about Mimi. I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to ask Mimi a few questions, so please read on and become inspired…. What inspired you to become a raw vegan? MK: I’ve been a vegetarian/vegan for the better part of 40 years, but became a raw vegan at sixty-nine when I found out my blood pressure and cholesterol were high. I was also starting to get arthritis pains. I did not want to start taking drugs, so I researched and learned about the benefits of a raw food diet. ZENSPIRATION.ORG “When you learn how to prepare raw food the variety is vast. The desserts are better than standard desserts”