How do you murder Spirit?
Let it grow unimpeded into the clear to acquire shape and conformity.
Take away the light from it for a brief while to test its mettle. Let the
When a group of people come together from varied
light creep back over it with aplomb. Give it the belief that it can
streams of fest-work to form a body that bears on its
thrive in the face of adversity. Let it grow again and then pummel it
shoulders the responsibility of contriving even the minute
against the floor.
facets of a fest, the denouement could be a reflection of
quite a lot of factors in play. The thoughts of an individual BOSM is only hours away. Although a “Sports Meet” on
are sieved through the collective apprehension of all paper, it is much more than that to those of us who have
members of the group; opinions coalesce and become seen it before. The outstation participants thronging the
indistinguishable when they are translated into what the rest entrances to Gym-G, the Rec ‘n’ Acc, Firewallz and BOSM
of us experience as a fest. The fest then becomes a canvas Controls stalls are all age-old signs of the fest kicking off.
of expression for the organizing body’s thoughts, beliefs, Over the next couple of days, BITSians will find themselves
ideas, fallacies and egos. The safety net of shared in the middle of a flurry of activity that visits us thrice every
answerability gives each member the freedom to articulate year. Alternate lives will be led that are, for some of us,
his or her viewpoints with no restrictions on feasibility or enjoyable breaks from monotonous repetitions of our
reason. When responsibility thus disappears, two things timetables and for some others, the heart-warming rush of
may happen: the fest may become everything they intended contributing to a fest that has made quite a name for itself
and more, or it may turn into an average sports meet not over the years. For the members of the sports teams, these
worth your while. A catastrophe can be safely put off- five days will be the culmination of weeks’ worth of
consideration; that would be a truly unprecedented event practice and preparations. For us at the BOSM English
requiring unfathomable levels of negligence and simple- Press, it will be an effort to bring thoughts, opinions and
mindedness. The verdict on this year’s CoSSAc will be out arbitrary tidbits of information on the fest, out in print.
soon enough. In the middle of the commotion, food and
Spirit refutes all that is established, grows out of its own debris and
fun, spare a thought for them – they have spent days and
makes its claim. Spirit has the uncanny ability to live on. The
nights trying to make a sports fest happen in a college that
Zeitgeist is the spirit of people that influences an era. If you find your
has had most of its sports facilities stripped and taken away
spirit being put to the test in the coming days, take comfort in its
(and some restored) to meet long term goals.
vehement desire to stay alive.
IG, Angad, Pranita, Spriha, Siddhant, Tanya; Ajay,
Debolina, Kruti, Neel, Nithya, Passey, Prateek, Ramya,
Ritvik, Sahil D, Sahil K, Shalaka, Shashank, Shruti, Steffie,
Viraj; Ananth, Anish, Archit, Chirag, Madhusudan, Pratik,
Krishnan, Rusheen, Soumya, Srishti, Tanay, Tanmayee,
Vijay; Akhilesh, Danish, Deeksha, Devina, Gayatri, Lasya,
Sanket, Shubham, Venu, Vishal, Yimkum; Niharika,
Prayaag, Rishabh, Eshwar, Daivik, Prayaag, Jyotiroop,
Supriya, Harshita, Srishti, Rohit, Pranav.
Page 2-3: Joint Sports Sec Interviews
Page 4-5: Venues for BOSM ‘14
Page 8: Crossword
For live updates: www.bits-bosm.org/blogs/english