Zeit Raum Youth workers against extremism and xenophobia | Page 10

to prevent escalation of the societal conflict. Recommendations 1. Storytelling Our definition: Making someone tell a personal story that has to do with the experience of this person with the issues at hand. We strongly recommend NGO’s make use of this technique in order to reach the targeted group, because storytelling is a technique that is very personal. This technique has the ability to trigger empathy for the issue at stake. 2. Street events and performances The NGO could organize special events, open to anybody, to sensitize the society about xenophobia and extremism. We advise the NGO’s to make street performances for wide attraction, interactive games, on this specific subject. This way the NGO’s will reach a wider audience than they would reach through training courses and youth exchanges. The NGO’s will, in addition, increase people’s awareness on the topics at hand, with non-formal education. 4. Research projects about discriminated, vulnerable groups We advise the NGOs to work on research projects in order to collect data and information about unequal living conditions and educational opportunities of vulnerable groups. The research, the amount of information, statistics and causes of the issue are addressed to institutions and stakeholders in order to advocate and let them take into consideration these problems and increase their efforts to foster equality. As a result, to vulnerable groups, the same opportunities of others will be granted. 4. Awareness campaigns in schools Young people are the most likely to suffer and cause discrimination and bullying, starting from primary school where they first have contact with kids from different backgrounds who can be the target of exclusion. In light of that, NGOs should create awareness campaigns with the partnership of schools using Non-Formal Education in order to transmit the value of respect and encourage inclusion. NFE should include open dialogue, games, and workshops on the topic of stereotypes, discrimination, and prejudice. The level of these activities and the depth should change according to the type of school and the age of children.