And then each other day in the
week we will go visit the house
and measure how much food the
birds have eaten in millimeters.
Data Analysis and
hypothesis, a claim, its evidence,
and its reasoning. Before actually
performing the experiment we
predicted or stated a hypothesis,
but it was incorrect, not that exact.
We had two types of food for the
birds, one was sesame seeds and
the other was sunflower seeds.
We predicted that sunflower
seeds were going to be eaten less
by the birds for it’s not native in
Colombia, but even though it is
not original from Colombia, it
is grown here unlike sunflower
seeds. It turned out different to
what we expected, because they
weren’t even close in amounts
eaten and the sun flower seed
seemed to be more visited by
the birds, they even had some
bird feathers. There was a big
difference between the amount
of seeds eaten of both types. The
big difference was of 75ml. My
hypothesis was not accurate.
As you may ask the birds ate
200ml sunflower seeds and 75ml
sesame. We could now conclude
that the birds around Zasqua
like sunflower seeds better then
sesame. As you can see in the
results. So we can see that oue
hypothesis was incorrect based
on the final results, it was way off.
The results may not have been
exactly accurate for sometimes
the food spilled off the house
and we lost some of the food.
Also during the last days of the
experiment the food was rotten
and maybe it wasn’t attractive for
birds so they didn’t quite eat the
last day, the next time we could
change the food every once in
a while to not alter our results.
That may have affected our
experiment. For future research
we would like to add another
variable. It could be the location
that way we could find out which
zone birds habit the most and
what birds from that different
territory like better. We could
have a more specific answer
and could be certain about
our conclusion. We were really
interested in this experiment and
look forward to deeper and more
specific answers.
Zasqua Jounal 2017 / 15