Zainiac 2020 - Fifth Edition Zainiac 2020 - Fifth Edition | Page 11

Digital Innovation Innovate or perish In rapidly changing ecosystems de- fined by the Fourth Industrial Revo- lution and a greater demand for ac- countability, the need to evolve the organization to extract maximum value while implementing a more responsive approach to the envi- ronment is highly relevant to Zain. Across the company’s footprint, over 7,000 dedicated Zainers con- tinue to strive to provide customers Meaningful Connectivity through a tailored range of services to help the communities served lead better lives. Digital initiatives Zain is helping organizations unlock opportunities in various industries to fast-track growth and help them benefit from the Internet of Things (IoT) in an efficient, safer and faster way Throughout 2019, Zain Group in- vested over US$ 1 billion in CAPEX, predominantly in expansion of Fi- ber-to-the-Home (FTTH) infrastructure; spectrum fees; 4G upgrades and new network sites across its markets, as well as major 5G rollouts in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. Zain is establishing structures and entering key partnerships in the fintech and e-Health arena, and opening its APIs across key mar- kets to offer appealing entertain- ment services, and reap the lucra- tive opportunities in the digital space. By the end of 2019, Zain’s API digital partnerships provided Direct Operator Billing and at- tracted content providers such as Apple, Google, DOCOMO Digi- tal, OSN, Digital Virgo, EROS and Centili, resulting in over three mil- lion monthly transactions. In addition to supporting digital transformation aspirations, this huge investment is paying off as reflected by the 36% annual growth in the Group’s consolidated data revenue, which reached US$ 2 billion, representing 36% of the Group’s revenue for 2019. 4Sight strategy gains momentum Zain’s 4Sight strategy is taking shape, based on evolving the com- pany’s core telecom business to maximize value and building on the organization’s many strengths to selectively invest in growth verticals beyond standard mobile services. This approach supports Zain’s vi- sion of becoming a leading ICT and digital lifestyle provider. Committed to assisting create the region’s digital future, Zain seeks verticals that fall within four categories. 1. Disruptive, whereby these digital business models show signs of success at a global level but are yet to be established regionally. 2. Scaled, whereby new opportunities can exist as standalone cores and can be scaled regionally across the company’s footprint and beyond. 3. Ecosystem, whereby Zain seeks complementarities between se- lected business models in order to propel growth complying with the UN’s Sustainable Developments Goals. 4. Capability leverage, aiming to use existing differentiating capa- bilities to obtain a competitive advantage and accelerate growth. 5G is set to drive a whole new set of business and consumer applications to the benefit of society at large Zain Drone expands to Saudi Arabia Debuting in Kuwait in October 2018, Zain’s Drone-as-a-Service has undertaken several proof-of-concepts and formed numerous industry alliances, unlocking opportunities to fast-track growth and help organizations benefit from the Internet of Things in an efficient, safer and faster way. During 2019, Zain Drone attained ISO 9001:2015 certification and Zain Drone Saudi Arabia was established, marking the first step to expanding Zain Drone’s presence across the region. 9