Zainiac 2020 - Fifth Edition Zainiac 2020 - Fifth Edition | Page 10

Diversity & Inclusion Stronger, together A core part of Zain’s corporate strategy is the creation of positive socio-economic impacts across the region, which begin within the company. Priorities within Zain’s sustainability efforts include, but are not limited to, contrib- uting to the socio-economic development of the company’s operating countries; aligning to climate change targets and developing its employees, all of which ultimately leads to a more successful and profitable organization. the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) offer, as sustainability is part of the company’s DNA. Most recently, for example, Zain became a member of the Climate Disclosure Project, thus paving the way to a structured reduction of its negative environmental footprint. In Zain’s view, digital and technological ad- vancements offer endless opportunities to not only address negative impacts but create positive ones. Through digitization, the com- pany’s wide range of services, and reach, Zain aims to unlock the many opportunities that Initiatives that fall under Zain’s D&I focus, to name just a few, in- clude Gender Diversity (Women Empowerment); the aim for Zain to become Disability Inclusive by 2022 (WE ABLE); becoming a signatory to the International Labor Organization (ILO) Global Busi- ness and Disability Network Charter; partnering with Mentor Ara- bia to empower, upskill and protect the region’s youth, and Zain’s Generation Z graduate pro- gram (ZY); and the company’s internal innovation program (ZAINIAC). Zain’s Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) initiatives are among the most compelling and comprehensive of any organization in the region. The work that the company currently does to foster understand- ing and offer great life and work opportunities to all employees is truly inspiring. Zain’s Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) initiatives are among the most compelling and comprehensive of any organization in the region, with Gender Diversity (Women Empowerment) being a core component Zain Group received the Best Gender Diversity Initiative in the Workplace for a Corporate in MENA region for 2019 accolade for its Groupwide Women Empowerment Program 8 These D&I-based programs have all become central to Zain’s development as an organization, with their over- whelming success seeing the company’s operations imme- diately enjoying many direct benefits as well as being ap- preciated by people inside the company and external stakeholders alike. Offering strategic support to Mentor Arabia, an organization that empowers Arab children and youth through mentorship, Zain is having a positive impact on society