YVEL MAGAZINE VOLUME 2 Apr. 2014 | Page 29

27 SOUTH SEA PEARLS South Sea pearls are among the largest commercially harvested cultured pearls in the world. The sizes of a South Sea pearl run from 9 mm. up to 40 mm. The South Seas lie between the northern coast of Australia and the southern coast of China. These waters are the native habitat of the large oyster, the Pinctada maxima. This oyster grows up to 12 inches in diameter, and can be nucleated with a much larger bead than other saltwater oysters. There are up to 3 generations of pearls that can develop from one South Sea oyster: The first generation pearl takes 4-6 years to culture on average and ranges anywhere from 9 - 14 mm in size. The second generation pearl takes 7-10 years to harvest and is also much larger anywhere from 14-18 mm. The third generation pearl takes 20-30 years to culture. These pearls are the most rare and valuable as they are the largest. They will range anywhere from 30-40 mm. on average. Did you know? The color of a South Sea pearl depends on the type of oyster it grows in. Different types of oysters come from different regions of the world. These Oysters have different colors of meat lining the inside of their shells. The pearl develops in the color of the meat that is lining the inside of the oyster. ~ White, Silver, gold and yellow South sea pearls come from around Australia. These are referred to as South Sea pearls as they are grown in the South Seas around Australia. ~ The rainbow of dark colors of pearls black, dark green, dark chocolate, gunmetal, eggplant (anything dark in color) come from the seas around Tahiti (hence they are referred to as “Tahitian”) ~ Golden, champagne & butterscotch pearls come from around Indonesia & Philippines. Pearls are sturdy and beautiful gems that withstand the test of time – enduring in fashion and living in our hearts as powerful keepsakes from Mother Nature herself. You can keep your pearls looking as good as new by following these simple steps: TAHITIAN PEARLS Tahitian pearls are produced by the black-lipped oyster (Pinctada margaritifera) in the islands of French Polynesia. The oyster itself is quite large sometimes over 12 inches across and weighing as much as 10 pounds which often results in much larger-than-average pearls. The pearls are unique because of their natural dark colors. Most “black” Tahitian pearls \