YouthPhoria UK© The Premier Role Model Edition November 2013 | Page 60

Self Empowerment for Life’s Foundation (SELF), a not-for-profit organisation, promotes and facilitates self development and empowerment. Directors Cassandra Campbell and Donna Solomon believe that: l like a house our lives should be constructed from a solid foundation to create and build upon l every individual has the power and ability to design and mould their lives in the way they desire. Creating their true SELF! SELF’s first workshop Pandora’s Box (PB), an emotional development workshop for 14-25 year old females, is based on life skills through counselling theories and self-development practices. SELF works on the basis of self-love and self-awareness being essential to achieving a fulfilled life. Assisting young women in identifying the experiences that can affect their self concept, self worth, negative beliefs, and how thoughts and feelings interlink and affect their behaviour. The name and theme of the workshop originates from the Greek myth of Pandora who was prohibited by her father Zeus from opening a box. She opened it anyway, letting evil and disease into the world. However, along with all the bad things in the box was also HOPE. The Pandora’s Box workshop is, ultimately, a journey of positivity, wellbeing and HOPE! Pandora’s Box can be delivered in any organisation or establishment where there are young women. Its aim: to provide support, guidance, assistance to young women in living their lives to the fullest. LOVE their lives to the maximum, and discover their PERSONAL POWER! Pandora’s Box is presently being delivered as part of BelEve UK’s ‘Pathway to Success’ employability programme, and SELF are seeking facilitators to deliver Pandora’s Box. Life experience, Counselling or Psychology qualifications essential. Facilitation experience preferred but not essential, as training will be provided. The organisation is in need of volunteers to be involved in this rapidly growing London based community organisation which can provide services around the UK. To find out more about Pandora’s Box, join us: 60 BB YouthPhoriaUK PIN: 27237FA4 TWITTER: @PBempowerment YouthPhoriaUK 49