YouthPhoria UK© The Premier Role Model Edition November 2013 | Page 59

Rose Fernando rough A diamond in the Rose Fernando seems to have An outstanding school student, Rose unlimited amounts of time and completed her GCSEs at Enfield County and energy! Devoted to improving the lives of young people, she started achieved an impressive six A levels, all with A grades, at Alexandra Park. With a string of achievements to her name, her mission with ‘Worth More Than including the ABC Foundation Award for Rubies’, an empowerment program  Bridging Cultures and a Jack Petchey for young women involved in Award, Rose is also one of a number of young volunteers on the vTalent program.  knife and gun crime. Rose launched her company ‘NextGeneration Rose then became vice-chair of London’ (NGL) in March 2012. NGL is a youth the National Learner Panel (NLP) and community development organisation which targets young people and addresses key issues such as education, employment, Young Ambassador with her first leadership, crime prevention personal official role involving a visit  development and self-confidence. and was nominated as London’s to Copenhagen and meeting “We run workshops for young people and I the Danish delegation to the contact educational institutions to set them up,” says Rose. “I also facilitate some of the personal development programs, especially took place before her my female only program ‘Diamonds in the 21st birthday. Making’.” European Parliament. All this “I’ve had a passion for working with young people from an early age,” says Rose. “I started out by volunteering in my church youth club when I was 14, and from there I progressed into volunteering at different youth organisations and working for numerous charities”. “I want young people to see that they have Having gone through some rough patches whilst growing up, Rose understood where the youngsters were coming from. “When I was younger, there was one person who was always there for me – a teacher,” Rose remembers. “I was dealing with a lot of issues in my life at the time. She showed me a type of love and respect that helped me through a lot of struggles, and to this day I still thank her for everything. That is why I wanted to go into this line of work – to be that person for someone else who needed support.” Working with young p ????????????????????)?????????????????????q%???????????)????????????????????????????????????)?????????????????????????????????)????t?????????I?????q???????????????????)??????e???????????????????????????)???e???????????????????t)%???????????????????????????????)?????????????????q$????????????????)????????????????????????????????)?????????????????????????????????)???????????????????????????????????$)????????90?????????????????????????)???????????????????????????????????)??????????????????????????????)??????????????t?()???????????????????????????????????t()e???A????U,((??((0