YOUTHopia! volume 1 | Page 6

Young people are considered to be the future of Europe, but still today’s societies are not quite prepared to challenge the lack of opportunities that they face in their everyday life, particularly to challenge the problems of young people from disadvantaged neighborhoods or the problems of young people who face variety of disadvantages. Disadvantaged?! The term disadvantaged neighbourhood refers to areas deprived of some of the basic necessities, such as adequate housing, medical care, or educational facilities, employment, social security….. areas with lack of opportunities Disadvantage refers to something that causes difficulty: something that makes someone or something worse or less likely to succeed than others. We, the Youth Social Rights Network are determined to use these terms – disadvantaged neighborhoods and disadvantage, till the point when there is no such thing as: disadvantage. By using these terms, we don’t want to discriminate or put a label to any of the areas and/or people. We just want to stress the existence of such areas that require significant and specific joint efforts with multidisciplinary approaches, towards the elimination of the disadvantages, and towards providing access to housing, health, education, vocational training, decent employment, social protection and other basic rights for every young person in Europe. Biljana Vasilevska Trajkoska