Yours Truly 2017 / Cascadia College / Bothell, WA 2017 YT Online Book | Page 43
The officer, he pondered
and tugged his beard in thought.
“I s’pose I’d be a hero
if a werewolf I had caught. So come along, dear, hurry up,
the light is fading fast!
Let’s get you in my squad car here
and lock you up at last.”
My picture in the paper! A shiny city key!
We could put you on display for all the folks to see! But when he bent to take my hand
and help me out my door
his hand received a furry paw,
he saw my shirt was tore
Come feast your eyes upon the cur
that terrorized our town!
Come shake the hand of the daring man
who put that doggy down!
So yes,” he said, “I’ll take you safely
down there to the station.
When night is through, I promise you
a full emancipation.
“Too late,” I growled and licked my chops.
“The moon is coming up,
it’s soaring high. The time is nigh
for me to take my sup!”
So despite my try, that night was I
a loping lupa dining
and not one word e’re more was heard
from Officer Knight McShining.