Yours Truly 2017 / Cascadia College / Bothell, WA 2017 YT Online Book | Page 42
Speed Trap
Rhea Abbott
A siren whelped. In the mirror I saw
the strobing red and blue.
I mounted the shoulder as a man with a badge
sauntered into view. My nose grows long, my teeth get sharp,
I’m shedding something fierce,
and when I see that glowing orb, I howl —
lord does it pierce!
“D’ya know how fast ya clocked?” he asked,
eyeing my license to drive.
“Too fast, I’m sure, but let me explain!
It’s a matter of dead-or-alive! No time to waste! The moon is full
and when the clouds retreat
I can’t be held responsible
for the beast that you will meet.
You see, I have this problem
that once each month returns . . .”
“Oh no,” he groaned.
“Aunt Flo?” he guessed.
My cheeks began to burn. I sped so you would stop me
While this transformation takes.
Please, let me under lock and key
so we might safely wait.
“No, no!” said I, “Much worse than that,
for when the moon is big
I get the strangest cravings
for cow or sheep or pig!
Bar me fast with shackles too!
Protect your flock and neighbor!
Chain me ’fore I start to wonder
at your juicy flavor!”