f there is a delay (very slow play or rain) between the front
You hit a wrong ball. Stableford is a form of stroke play, so the penalty
and back nine of a round can I practice in between? I don’t
is two strokes. Your score for the hole was 6. You are responsible
like to stand around as I get “out of my zone, I know you can’t
for identifying your ball before you hit it. If you cannot identify it
practice on the course you are playing, but wasn’t sure about
because, for example, it is covered by sand, you must announce
the other scenarios.
your intention to lift the ball, ask another player to observe your
procedure, mark and lift the ball, clean it only as much as necessary
In between holes, players are permitted to practice putting or
to identify it, and replace it [Rule 12-2].
chipping on or near the putting green of the hole last played and
the teeing ground of the next hole to be played [Rule 7-2]. They
In a recent medal one of the players hit his ball into a greenside
may also putt on a nearby practice green. Players may not take
bunker when he tried to reach the green. Once he got into the
practice strokes from a hazard; nor may they practice if it will unduly
bunker he found his ball semi-buried in an uphill slope. He took his
delay play.If play is delayed between nines, your practice is limited
stance, not in an invasive way, and suddenly sand from the upper
to putting and chipping. You may not use the range or nets. The
lip of the bunker fell over his ball without moving it but covering
penalty is two strokes in stroke play, loss of hole in match play.
it more that it was originally.Is there any penalty for the player?Is
there any procedure to follow?
At our club we have rake holders outside the bunker that are
essentially immovable obstructions. If you’re in the bunker do you
If a player worsens his lie, he is not permitted to restore it. If he
get relief from your backswing from this immovable obstruction?
does, he is in breach of Rule 13-2.The player must play the ball as
it lies, with the extra sand on top. There is no penalty
A player is entitled to relief from an
unless the ball moved, in which case he would incur
immovable obstruction that interferes
a one-stroke [