Your Spiritual Practice March 2015 | 页面 6

How to Make Time

for Your Spiritual Practice

piritual practice refers to the intentional and purposeful choices you make, actions you take,

soul deepening habits you adopt, and rituals you perform each day to nurture your connection with your Divine Nature. It means becoming consciously one with your Higher Self so you can master the art of living by staying connected with your own truth and purpose.

It is an intentional personal journey inward to experience your ‘soul-fulness.’ And you do that by building into each day spiritual practices that keep you focused on your spiritual growth. A spiritual practice is not a dogmatic path, nor is it a ‘worship a god in the sky who is an entity separate from you’ path. It is a path of Self-realization, acknowledging that you are the human expression of the Eternal Presence (God) expressing Itself at the point of you.

Make Your

Life a Spiritual Practice!

What Constitutes a Spiritual Practice?

Spiritual practices can take many forms. And that’s the wonderful thing about devoting yourself to a spiritual practice. You can decide what practices constitute your over-all practice! While the forms of spiritual practices

may differ, the intent is the same: nurturing the connection with your Higher Self which we call the Extraordinary You.

Anything that allows you to get in touch with the sacred, to quiet your mind, to connect with your Higher Self, to honor the divinity in others, is a spiritual practice.