Your New Years Weight Loss Resolution™ by JayKay Bak PDF EBook JayKay Bak Your New Years Weight Loss Resolution | Page 43
Take your body measurements so that you can keep track of your
progress. You never realize how far you really come until you know
where you initially started. Keeping track of your measurements is a
rock solid testament to your progress and gives you burning incentive
to stick with it.
Your measurements should include:
The Date: _____________________________
Height: _______________________________
Current Weight: ________________________
Bust (women): _________________________
Waist around the belly button: _____________
Hips: _________________________________
Thighs: _______________________________
Right upper arm: ________________________
Left upper arm: _________________________
Make sure that you purchase a notebook to keep tabs of your
measurements. Don’t forget to re- measure yourself every month
which will encourage you to stay focused on your goal.
As mentioned before, weigh yourself every two weeks, once a week at
the very most to avoid becoming discouraged with the natural weight
fluctuations as your body begins to change and transform.