Your Health Saudi Magazine مجلة دليلك الصحي Oct 2013 | Page 18
• Soy foods and pulses. Soy foods
include soy milk, tofu, soy beans
(you can buy these frozen), soy
yoghurt, miso and tempeh. Pulses
There are some specific foods which
include beans, peas and lentils.
might be important in helping to
• Green tea. You need to drink
prevent prostate cancer. You might
around six cups of green tea a day
want to eat more of these foods, listed
for it to have an effect, and brew
below. Scientists are studying these as
the tea for 5 minutes to release
we still need more research before we
the protective nutrients. Try
can say for sure whether they protect
drinking it instead of your usual
against prostate cancer, and how
hot drinks.
much you would need to eat.
• Tomatoes and lycopene (a
compound found in tomatoes).
The best sources of lycopene are
cooked and processed tomatoes
Foods that May Reduce Prostate
Cancer Risk