Your Girlfriends' Guide to Women in Business: The Little Black Book Fall Issue 2016 | Page 25
Are you involved with your community or
how does your business help out?
I sure am! Girl scout leader, boy scout leader,
temple board member/trustee, sponsor of the
5 k run in town, on Oradell events committee
Head of PTA Hospitality and much more. I
have donated countless hours, cookies,
homemade food to feed the homeless, etc.
If you had one piece of advice to give
someone starting out what would it be?
Network, network, network..
What is your favorite type of party
Concepting... seeing an idea come to life. I
also love to do
ULTIMATE Events. For example, I have thrown
in my Manhattan space the
boutique items a famous stylist, signature
cocktail and signature apps, fortune teller,
massage folks, hair stylist, make up, DJ, etc...
What habits make you successful?
Hard work, networking, scheduling to be able
to hit deadlines, thinking of how this could be
the coolest most unique event. I hate cookie
cutter stuff! (no pun intended!)
How do you distinguish yourself from your
I am selling myself, my creativity, my
personality and not just a product.
What is one key question you think every
entrepreneur should ask themselves?
How can I take every client and make their
work experience with me be the best and
make some money in the interim.
For more information on
Heather’s companies, check out and
Yes! I threw one of my legendary parties
including the local Fire Deparment coming
to the venue, fire hats with each kids name,
face painting, mascots. Our legendary fire
truck cookies were featured too and the press
even came! One of my guests said can you do
a cookie favor for my next event and the rest
was history!
© Rob Monaco 2016
Do you remember your first sale and how
did you make it)?