Your Eventzine Issue 1 | Page 9

and was very pleased with the way in which his brand/company was represented. This was done though playing a slideshow of the main sponsor's logos on the numerous screens around the venue including a huge projected screen behind the stage.

Focus was directed at the stage with a spotlight and as the photos show almost everyone in the room was concentrating on the stage when the races were happening (Monroe, 2006). All sponsors were mentioned numerous times over the microphone as the races, prizes and raffle were announced and posters with sponsor's logos on were also placed around the venue.

Feedback from one attendee suggested that if possible it would be advisable to put posters on the railings on the perimeter of the venue next time so that people can see exactly what event is happening and better promote the sponsors. Use of the company's website to promote the event would have also boosted reach for the event and sponsors but this was overlooked in the planning stages.

The venue was dressed with some fake grass, fake flowers, horse balloons, horse shaped glitter,

white picket fences and a jockey hat for the MC. This enhanced the venue and themed it like a horse racing track.

Extensive theming was not implemented to save on costs as fundraising was the main aim of the event (Monroe, 2006) but the décor was still well received with the horse balloons and the other props receiving positive remarks in feedback taken from attendees. People also mentioned that the horse shaped glitter used was nice but not easy to see in the low lit room.

A slight lack of seating in the centre of the venue meant that not all attendees were able to be in the ideal place for participating in the races but many were happy to