Your Chamber- Annual Report Annual Report 2017 Build- WEB | Page 9
Annually the graduating Leadership Cheyenne Class
selects a beautifi cation project. The 2015-2016 Class
raised funds for the restoration of the Cheyenne
Regional Airport historic fountain.
Angi Lund, Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce
the invaluable assistance of our Washington DC con- been derived from participation in all the chamber
sultant and Congressional delegation, have secured has to offer. I must point out the importance of the
millions of dollars to ensure the continued viability of word participation. Joining a Chamber is great. A
F.E. Warren AFB. Included in this work has been the business receives many benefi ts visibly and behind
exciting potential development of Knob Hill. This will the scenes. However, joining the Chamber only
bring much needed housing and commercial devel- gets you so far. Participating is the only way to truly
opment to support the base and young professionals receive the benefi ts of your Chamber member-
in our community. The Business Council and Action ship. It is similar to sitting in any class or meeting
& Advocacy Committees have been working tirelessly for an hour all the while posting to social media.
to help make the Hynds project a reality. After thirty You are no better off than if you didn’t attend. Only
years of stagnation, this once fabulous building will through attending events, talking to members
become a shining jewel of downtown Cheyenne once you’ve never met before, serving on committees,
again. Along with our dedicated chamber staff, these and taking advantage of the advertising opportu-
committees have focused heavily on protecting the nities presented, will your membership become
business community from multiple attempts to enact more than another calendar item you will avoid, to
burdensome regulation, fees and additional taxes at create time for “more important” or “more urgent”
the local, state and federal level. Finally our Red Car- business and truly become the benefi t to your
pet Committee continues its stellar work, welcoming business you’ve been searching for. To become
and celebrating new members to our Chamber. more involved, talk to your Chamber staff, call
Your Chamber membership provides access to many
programs, events, and opportunities to be involved.
All of these events from luncheons to networking
events, awards banquets to golf tournaments and
military celebrations will help build business in some
myself or any board member and we will happy to
help match you up with an area of interest. Thank
you for your membership and dedication to the
Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce, and the
Cheyenne and Laramie County communities.
fashion. A major part of my business success has