Your Chamber- Annual Report Annual Report 2017 Build- WEB | Page 8

GREATER CHEYENNE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE “ of those advisers told me the fi rst thing I should do was join the Chamber.” A few words from Your Chairman NICK DODGSON, 2017 GREATER CHEYENNE CHABMER OF COMMERCE CHAIRMAN As I sit here writing this in the second week of March ber Partner. The tremendous interaction with highly and the third month of a new venture, I realize I successful business leaders, through my chamber have much to thank the Greater Cheyenne Chamber membership, would not have been available to me of Commerce for. Fifteen years ago, when my wife otherwise. Many of these people have become close Brook and I took over Midas , with little more than friends and confi dants. They continue to help give a huge bank loan and a group of friends and advis- invaluable advice during the trials and tribulations of ers, one of those advisers told me the fi rst thing I today’s business environment. should do was join the chamber. The second thing I should do, was to get involved and never stop being involved. Well, I followed that advice and truly believe the strength of our businesses today owes much to the many relationships I have built by being a Cham- When I consider the many important roles the cham- ber serves today, one of the most vital in my opinion is developing and connecting the next generation of leaders. With programs such as Leadership Chey- enne, Cheyenne Professional Network and The Rocky Mountain Future Leaders Conference, the chamber has made it a priority to identify, involve and nurture the many talented future leaders in our community. Strong leadership is vital to drive economic growth, build a more inclusive community and ultimately make Cheyenne and Laramie County a better place to live and work. If there is someone you believe is a future leader, or if you are that person, please make sure you/ they get involved in these great programs. In the past year the Chamber committees, along with local economic development partners, have made Christine Kronz, Christine Kronz Photographer, LLC PAGE NUMBER - 8 tremendous steps to stimulate and sustain our local economy. Our Wyoming Wranglers, committee with