Your Chamber- Annual Report Annual Report 2017 Build- WEB | Page 13
Recognizing the greater Cheyenne
area’s heritage, the Chamber had
a custom saddle created locally
to capture the history of the west
with the strong ties to the military.
The City of Cheyenne was incor-
porated the same day as the Air
Force Base 150 years ago.
Angi Lund,
Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce
successfully throughout their life. I also run into a few I spent many hours when I was young trying to learn
folks who simply aren’t these people. They start a to throw a houlihan. I found it quite diffi cult to mas-
business or a job and then soon jump to a new trade ter and yet it is a forever useful skill. I had an older
or employment because it just didn’t work out. They neighbor try to help me and I will always remember
boast about their skills but rather than gathering up those strong rugged hands that could sail a loop out
their riata and practicing the art of the houlihan, they as perfect as a picture and let it land as softly as a
gossip about how the person in the corner honing butterfl y’s wing on its intended target. His proof was
their skill is doing it all wrong. Better yet, they share in his product, not in his words. 2017 and beyond
how they can do it better. These folks are “all hat and will be challenging for businesses in Cheyenne. As
no cattle” to steal a phrase. I am thankful that most we look to the future, lets emulate the real cowboy.
of the folks who join the chamber are learners and Focus on the right techniques for the best results.
growers, people who truly care about the future of Therefore let our voice be heard, not through what
their community and are proud of where they work we say, instead in the actions which generate a great
and live. These individuals talk little, but demonstrate community providing a strong future for our children.
their abilities with action and the rest of us owe them I guess the question is “Can I throw a Houlihan?” Well
our gratitude because they do what the rest of us sit it might be time to practice.
around and talk about.