YORK_HVAC European catalogue_Mar. 2021_EN | страница 114

Chillers and Heat Pumps

Ecodesign Directive for HVAC Chillers and Heat Pumps

EU Energy and Climate Policy Context

European 2050 Vision towards a low carbon economy is targeting reduction of 80 / 95 % of the Green-house gas emissions by looking at the reduction of the 3 following parameters and comparing to the values of 1990 .
2020 2030
Primary Energy consumption -20 % -27 % Green-house effect gas emissions -20 % -40 % -80 / 95 % Use of renewable energies + 20 % + 27 %
1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050
EU Energy efficiency improvement targets strongly influence the HVAC market
Buildings are the largest consumers of energy today , and HVAC systems account for a significant portion of a building ’ s energy consumption . This is why the HVAC industry is a focus of European Environmental Policies . The F-Gas regulation addresses direct emissions while EPBD , EcoDesign and RES are directives focused on indirect greenhouse gas emissions by improving the efficiency of the HVAC systems and the buildings .
40 %
37 % HVAC
Indirect emissions from power generation : over 95 % of greenhouse gas emissions
Direct emissions from refrigerant releases : less than 5 % of total greenhouse gas emissions
31 %
18 % Lighting
10 % Water Heating
29 %
21 % Other
15 % IT Equipment
114 YORK Air-Conditioning Products