In "Living Dolls: the return" written by Natasha Walter (a British feminist writer), the author denounced our society of image influenced by sex industry: "what's more, throughout much of our society, the image of female perfection to which women are encouraged to aspire has become more and more defined by sexual allure. Of course wanting to be sexually attractive has always and will always be a natural desire (…)but in this generation a certain view of female sexuality has become celebrated throughout advertisements, music, television programs, films and magazines. This image of female sexuality has become more than ever defined by the terms of the sex industry."
And in 1991 with "the beauty myth" by Naomi Wolf started to criticised what media make to women
The youth generation is guide and influenced by new media.
The best illustration of this is Facebook where you can see people who adopt the same attitude as magazines or advertising.
Also An example we can be seen in magazines: we grow up with a vision of a world where women are photoshoped, tall, tan, skinny, and have «glamourous» position in magazine.
I have to say that what is around me is far from who I am. For example Seeing an Advertising with a women almost naked, legs open and with 4 guys at her feet with her eyes staring at the camera to sell a perfume let me perplex.
Influence is every where. Manipulation from mass media is all around me. It modify my reality and false my vision of the real. In an other hand all of that give me the impression to be connected with the whole world, with my friends or my family abroad. But at the same time a feeling of emptiness appear. Communication nowadays is way different from what it was.
As a consequence, the media are able to change how people think about issues due to the selective nature of what is presented to the consumer.