I am not afraid of death or suffering
anymore because in all that I see a story
separate from my truth, the ultimate
truth that I live with, the eternal, ever
youthful, and ever fresh, beyond age,
truth. These stories can come and go,
they have come and gone like blink and
a miss appearance in my existence but
the eternal truth story of mine has
always been there. This separate story is
different from truth. Since we are not
able to see the complete truth and the
complete package that we are, this
worldly life is like an illusion because we
are not able to realize and perceive it in
the light of the larger truth. It is a reality
that is beautiful and if we are able to
realize it then we can fulfill the mission
of our human incarnation. Being human
is not a pain; it is an opportunity to
serve the giver, the divine, the divinity,
the very current of life itself, the eternal
We need to realize the beauty of this life,
this creation. The suffering vanishes if
we are immersed in bliss, if we are
beyond and yet within. Everything
becomes part of an eternal, immortal
and ever continuing beauty and bliss.
We come, fulfill our purpose, go back to
where we came from and come back
when it’s time. If we are able to see
everything including these material
realms from the seat of the void, from
the seat of bliss and truth, then
everything is truth. However,
materialism becomes illusion when we
look at it from a different place, a place
of ignorance. Life lived with ignorance is
About the author :
Yogi Ishan is a remote meditator, conscious writer, speaker on Yogic sciences & inner travel,
Meditation Guide, Yoga Master, and Mystical Travel Guide with over 10 years of experience. He has
led Yoga groups all over the world including Ladakh, Rishikesh, Singapore, Hampi and Dharamsala
focussing on deep meditation, autonomous Yoga, chanting and other Yogic Kriyas. His workshops
comprise of an amalgamation of practices such as fire ceremony, nature rituals, mantras, mudras
and life transforming kriyas - all consciousness based.
22 www.yogicherald.com Jan./Feb. 2019