WHO AM I.....
When I live with him, there is no mortality. My life of bliss is
beyond space and time. My life of bliss is beyond this physical and
mortal body. In that life, there is no pain, no misery, no su ering.
Who am I? A beautiful question that has presented itself in
front of me again and again in the last 15 years or more. All
these years, I have been like a child wanting to know. I have
been a seeker. At times innocent, at times doubtful, at times
hopeless, at times arrogant and ignorant, and at times
beautiful and pure. And then finally, after years of a
meandering chase, quite not the way I planned or expected,
the sun has finally dawned upon me. The cup is empty, the
void is infinite, the nectarial word keeps dropping, and I am
all bliss. Nothing is more beautiful than the void that I
experience every day. In this void, there is no day, no night,
no sun, no moon, no light, no darkness, no ignorance, no
knowledge, no reasoning, no analysis, no veda, no scripture
or philosophy, no deity, no body, no thought, no reason or
logic. My cup is filled with void and hence it is empty. The
bliss or ‘ananda’ that comes with it is inexplicable and
incomparable. It cannot be compared to anything worldly
that we see, hear, say, read, taste, touch, think or calculate.
It is beyond all that. It is beyond the senses and beyond the
creation. It exists in every speck of space and yet it is beyond
space. I am his lover, his servant. I live with him every day.
When I live with him, there is no mortality. My life of bliss is
beyond space and time. My life of bliss is beyond this
physical and mortal body. In that life, there is no pain, no
misery, no suffering. I know now that suffering in physical
realms and physical incarnations is only temporary. What is
permanent is bliss. And I am fortunate enough to be
immersed in it. Thank you so much.
Jan./Feb. 2019 www.yogicherald.com