YH Apr - May Issue | Page 13

Basic knowledge of Yogic principles is very important particularly for a spiritual seeker or meditator. If the practitioner is unaware of the principles and the truth about different Yogic experiences, then he/she can easily fall into the trap of misperceiving their meditative experiences. This precious wisdom can be known by studying the Yogic scriptures such as Hath Yoga Pradipika, and listening to spiritual discourses. One must also consult a profound Yoga Guru (Master) in case there is any lack of clarity regarding an experience. If we follow this path, we can certainly begin the journey back to purity, back to actually realizing who we are – an Atman (Soul). Feature Writer Yogic practice is not just meditation but actually a lifestyle that combines meditation twice a day for a minimum duration of 30 minutes a session (Sadhana), listening to discourse of the saints (Satsang), serving with complete faith & devotion (Seva), prayers (Prarthana Gaan), being on Satvik diet (vegetarian food, fruits & milk), performing some kriyas (cleansing of body parts), Asanas (physical postures in sync with the flow of breath) and Pranayam (regulated breathing) once a day, Swadhyay (reading the holy scriptures that are infused with divine energy), and Sadbhav (devotion & positive feelings) that will make you perform Satkarm (good deeds). Just listen to your heart. Your consciousness will keep taking sharp and unexpected turns like a river. One situation or one conversation can make you crave for practicing your favorite set of Yoga asana. Another may make you crave to travel to the Himalayas. Live your life the way you are made, the way you are supposed to be. Listen to nature's call. Above all, don't forget to learn the art of living in the moment. is being one with the inner self. We can easily live in bliss and purity but having succumbed to our ego and mind operations, are totally confused and unsure today. This is called suffering. The cycle of our minds is like a jumping jack. If we, as conscious souls, will follow it, we’ll be doomed to further suffering. Thus, as preached by the wise seers, Yogic practice is the key to control the mind and initiate our ascension. 11