we living this truth or are we living in doubt ? How many of us live like a soul - a pure one , in a human body on planet earth . We can find the answer in our lifestyle , in our karma , in our faith , in our connection with the energies , in our union or Yoga . Becoming pure may take time , may seem difficult at times , may even seem impossible at times , but the truth is that it is very simple and very much possible . The very existence of the practice of meditation leading to Yoga is a proof . The very existence of magical amalgamations of Mudras , Asanas and Mantras as techniques of self help and transformation is a proof . When we find walking on the path of purity impossible , know that what you found is actually what your mind is telling you . The mind has its attributes of pessimism , overconfidence and imagination that can actually produce a mirage for you . Something that is not true . Thus I find the saying “ It ’ s all in the mind ” brilliant .
Meditation is like a journey into the unknown that has been called in�nity by some and spiritual by many . These some and many are meditators - men of wisdom who have stood out as great examples of patience , perseverance , truthfulness , positivity , love and strength . They have understood and then described to us the laws of nature , the cycle of time , and the experience of blissful living .
Becoming a Soulman is actually a very exciting , adventurous and thrilling goal . It ’ s something like knowing yourself fully . In fact , it is indeed what the concept of Soulman means . And if you want to do this or have set out on this trip , don ’ t even think of worrying or wondering about the consequences . The bad attempt of getting into the future is a big no-no .
Meditation is the key to controlling the mind which is like an ever wandering spirit . This practice has been elaborated in the Geeta , in the Yoga Sutra , in the Holy Bible . It is a practice that comes right from the doors of the Universal Consciousness and has elevated infinite souls ( rather resurrection may be the right word ). We all are like fallen stars , who have created their own hell through our overworking mind and intellect . This intellectophonia is like a net that we weaved , then jumped into it , and are now finding difficulty in coming out of it . The only way to come out of it
Apr - May 2017 yogicherald . com