Regional Pest Management Group
Formed in 2008 and administered by NQ Dry Tropics , the Regional Pest Management Group ( RPMG ) brings together partners from local and state governments , industry , infrastructure managers , landcare groups , Traditional Owners and regional natural resource management bodies .
The RPMG is a forum for permanent members to share information on current activities , plan for future works and discuss new control methods .
This year the RPMG continued to deliver on its Strategic Plan , which focuses on four key themes — cooperative stakeholder partnership and coordination ; support for research and best practice ; community engagement and capacity building ; and operational project planning and implementation .
The priority species for control in 2021-2022 were Siam weed and feral pigs . NQ Dry Tropics worked with Burdekin Shire Council to undertake Siam weed monitoring adjacent to the Bowling Green Bay Ramsar-listed wetlands , and also supported coordinated feral pig management across priority areas in collaboration with Charters Towers Regional Council , Burdekin Shire Council , Whitsunday Regional Council , and Townsville City Council .
Pictured are members of the Burdekin Dry Tropics Regional Pest Management Group ( back row , from left ) Melissa Hayes ( Whitsunday Regional Council ), Luke Galea ( NQ Bulk Ports ), Michael McDermid ( Department of Transport and Main Roads ), Rob Cobon ( Department of Agriculture and Fisheries and Biodiversity Queensland ), ( middle row ) Katrina Christen ( Townsville City Council ), Brittany Butler ( NQ Dry Tropics ), Simon Brooks ( Department of Agriculture and Fisheries ), Michael Langburne ( Charters Towers Regional Council ), ( front row ) Patrick Centurino ( Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service ), Norman Lees ( Townsville City Council ), Preeti Prayaga and Brooke Payne ( both Burdekin Shire Council ).
Siam weed control is a strategic priority for the RPMG .