Year In Review 2020-21 | Page 4

Invested $ 12.49m
285,251km supporting communities across the region .
500 hours of engagement with Traditional Owners .
Helped graziers prevent 5069t
practices across an additional 108,100ha
Supported landholders and community groups to improve knowledge , skills and practices with 5503 hours
$ 2.23m
in grants and incentives ; and 93 events
attended by 1639 participants
362ha of wetlands and built 2 fishways to open up an additional

Invested $ 12.49m

delivering on-ground activities .
Travelled a total of

285,251km supporting communities across the region .

Promoted Indigenous participation in projects through more than

500 hours of engagement with Traditional Owners .

Helped graziers prevent 5069t

of fine sediment erosion from gullies , and implement

practices across an additional 108,100ha

to improve land condition and reef water quality .

Supported landholders and community groups to improve knowledge , skills and practices with 5503 hours

of extension ;

$ 2.23m

in grants and incentives ; and 93 events

attended by 1639 participants

Removed aquatic weeds from

362ha of wetlands and built 2 fishways to open up an additional


of habitat to native species .