Year In Review 2020-21 | Page 3



Despite the ongoing challenges of the pandemic , NQ Dry Tropics has again successfully delivered a large number of important projects and maintained the confidence of our funders . This success is testament to our staff , partners and the communities with which we work . We thank them all for their effort , commitment and can-do attitude .
The turbulence of the last 18 months is likely to raise challenges for the natural resource management sector during the next few years , and NQ Dry Tropics is very aware of the current and expected issues in terms of funding . Our focus is threefold — continue to do exceptional work that is valued by our community and investors ; maintain the strong foundations of our organisation ; and continue to explore and develop new and emerging opportunities .
This year we welcomed Richard Hoolihan and Professor Damien Burrows , to the Board — the first Board appointments under our new Constitution .
Richard belongs to the Gugu- Badhun ( Upper Burdekin ) and Ngadgjon-Jii ( Atherton Tablelands ) Traditional Owner Groups , and brings a wealth of cultural experience and knowledge to the organisation .
Damien is Director of the Centre for Tropical Water and Aquatic Ecosystem Research ( TropWATER ) at James Cook University , and has had a long association with NQ Dry Tropics .
Natural resource management that delivers impact will increasingly require innovative solutions and investment , and new partnerships . This year we progressed a number of initiatives on several fronts . We continued to build our internal capability around environmental markets , such as carbon , reef water quality and biodiversity .
We are strengthening our ability to demonstrate impact by adopting the Accounting for Nature framework , which measures changes in the health of the environment . And with a number of new strategic partners , we are increasing our capability to deliver good natural resource outcomes in the Burdekin region .
This Year in Review is structured around the five priorities identified in our Strategic Plan , which focus on delivering landscape solutions , developing our people , strengthening governance and leadership , supporting resilient communities , and securing resources .
We hope you enjoy finding out how NQ Dry Tropics continued boosting landscapes , livelihoods and communities in the region .
Chair Les Tyrell OAM
CEO Dr Scott Crawford
Chair Les Tyrell OAM .
CEO Dr Scott Crawford .
2020 – 21 YEAR IN REVIEW 3