Year 10 Course Selection Handbook 2018 | Page 15

Year 10 French Course Outline This course is designed to encourage students to increase their knowledge of language and culture to communicate effectively and confidently. They will learn about the rich and diverse French culture and traditions. They will master the language necessary for interacting with French students of their age group and will be able to seek and give information about their personal interests, popular culture and other aspects of youth life in France and in Australia. They will also discover how cultural, physical, historical and environmental factors have created a connection between language and attitudes, values and beliefs. Year 10 Discovery Course Which Year 11 course does it lead to? l French (All Year) Leads to French (ATAR) Pathways to Year 11 and 12 French (ATAR) and university courses. Contact: Mr James Cheah Head of Languages Faculty [email protected] Year 10 2018 15