Ye Gorean Scroll Vol 1. Issue 2. | Page 33

What do you call a bosk calf after it's six months old?

Seven months old.

What is the best thing to do if you find a sleen in your bed?

Sleep somewhere else.

What kind of rocks are on the bottom of Thassa?

Wet ones.

Why do blonde slaves have big belly buttons?

They serve blonde Masters.

How many slaves does it take to screw in an energy bulb?

Slaves screw in alcoves, not energy bulbs.

How can you tell if there's a tharlarion in your refrigerator?

You can see its footprints in the jello.

Why do tharlarion paint their toenails red?

So they can hide in ramberry bushes. (Have you ever seen a tharlarion hiding in a ramberry bush? No? It must be working, then.)

Why do tharlarion have flat feet?

From jumping out of ramberry bushes.

What's that brown stuff in between tharlarions' toes?

Slow peasants.

What's grey, has four legs, and a trunk?

An urt going on vacation.