Ye Gorean Scroll Vol 1. Issue 2. | Page 20


The Planting Feast: Early in the growing season

En'Kara fair: The first of the four annual fairs at the Sardars

The Return to Turia and the Taking of Omens: Wagon Peoples return south in the spring


Publication date: Early April

Description: PUBLICATION Free RP magazine about RP and RPers, aimed at promoting and highlighting events and activities in the IMVU community

For more info see: What's your fantasy RP Magazine GA group HERE

What's your fantasy RP Magazine AP group HERE

RACKR Contest: Random RP Event Generator Contest

Publication date: Early Feb

Description: GROUP Use the brand new Generator tool from RACKR to spice up your RP with exciting new events and creative ideas. Post a review, suggestions or comments about your experience with the Generator, and get the chance to win unique prizes from RACKR.

[b]For more info see: The free Random RP Event Generator Contest HERE


Publication date: Monday April 4

Host / Contact: CaraClair

Description:GROUP Counter-Earth Animal Planet (CEAP) has everything you need to know about animals on Gor. No more unreliable websites with bad info that only offer partial quotes or cover only some of the book. CEAP covers ALL 33 books, all quotes are fully book-verified, and the group holds loads of relevant info on Earth equivalents to help you enrich your RP. All Goreans welcome to join!

[b]Articles: [url=]Counter-Earth Animal Planet[/url][/b][/size]

[color=#aa5303][b]Gorean Skills & Book Club Meeting[/b][/color]

[size=10px][b]When:[/b] Tuesday April 5, 9.30pm EST

[b]Host / Contact:[/b] RaisaSebille

[b]Description: [color=#aa5303]OOC[/color][/b] Reading and discussion group to promote book knowledge and skills.

[b]Location: [url=]Gorean Skills & Book Club[/url][/b][/size]

[color=#aa5303][b]Meetings of minds: Gorean RPers discussion[/b][/color]

[size=10px][b]When:[/b] Wednesday April 6, 8.30pm EST

[b]Host / Contact:[/b] DamianBlackHeart

[b]Description: [color=#aa5303]OOC[/color][/b] Join fellow RPers to discuss several new initiatives to promote and organize multi-region and/or intercity RPs. This discussion is a spin-off from the Great Gorean Debate at the En'Kara fair. Meeting is open to all Goreans with an interest in creating more RP with people outside their own cities/groups. All ideas welcome. The meeting is entirely OOC.

[b]Location: [url=]Council of Captains[/url][/b][/size]

[color=#aa5303][b]Gorean Skills & Book Club Meeting[/b][/color]

[size=10px][b]When:[/b] Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:30PM EST

[b]Host / Contact:[/b] RaisaSebille

[b]Description: [color=#aa5303]OOC[/color][/b] Reading and discussion group to promote book knowledge and skills.

[b]Location: [url=]Gorean Skills & Book Club[/url][/b][/size]

[hr][b][color=#FFA500]1st Passage Hand:[/b][/color] April 14-18[hr][hr][b][color=#A020F0]The Gorean Scroll, deadline:[/b][/color] April 14[hr]

[b]Location: [url=]Gorean Skills & Book Club[/url][/b][/size]

[color=#A020F0][b]The Gorean Scroll: New Issue[/color][/b]

[size=10px][b]Publication date:[/b] April 20

[b]Editor in Chief:[/b] LeorahMaliha

[b]Description: [color=#A020F0]PUBLICATION[/color][/b] Monthly paper on activities and topics of interest to the Gorean community. Articles, info, news, book topics, ads and more. Got ideas or want to write something for the paper? Contact the editor in chief. Devers, don't miss out on the affiliated group for Gorean devers - message the editor for an invite.

[b]For more info see: [url=]The Gorean Scroll[/url][/b][/size]