Ye Gorean Scroll Vol 1. Issue 2. | Page 19

DareiosVarro: There are 310 individual animal entries on CEAP. Some animals have more posts (like sleen that has 7). Others (a few) are listed under two names, meaning each name has its own entry though it is (likely) the same animal.

LeorahMaliha: Is there anything else you want the Gorean community to know about the group?

CaraClair: To the entire community, I think it is important to say that while we might not all get along, we do share a love for role playing in Gor. It does me no good to keep information to myself. Dareios and I were not always friends, but he taught me to rise above and share knowledge. In doing that we all become better people. This group, as well as others I hope to share, is just one small way I can give back to the it good bad or indifferent.

NOTE: Through further conversation, Cara expressed that the goal in creating CEAP is to bring complete and correct information to the entire community without bias.

I look forward to seeing what other projects the GU has in store for us! On a personal note, I cannot express enough how excited I am about the CEAP- as I know for myself, I will find it to be very beneficial. If you are interested in finding out more about the animals of Gor, visit the CEAP group HERE If you would like to stay up to date on the new projects and groups of the GU, check out their group page HERE.