YCL! September 2013 | Page 11

Good News Stories

I came to Young Devon because I had nothing to do in my free time and no idea what I wanted to do in life . I ’ ve ended up making quite a few friends . I just finished year 11 and had nothing to do to fill my free time , I ended up at home most of the time ; playing on the x-box or playstation and became almost nocturnal . I didn ’ t have a job and found Young Devon , which opened up new opportunities for me and I ’ ve done all sorts of different things . I ’ ve received help with emotional issues as well . I ’ ve been given advice when I needed it and I ’ m really grateful for everything that Young Devon has provided me . I ’ ve even been to Parliament ! I ’ ve become more confident in myself , I ’ m happy to go out wearing what I like and looking how I want to without listening to other people . I ’ m happy to answer questions and be more open about myself now . I know what I want to do in life now ; by taking advice and listening to other people I ’ ve decided on my career path .
I ’ m young , I ’ m 18 now , I ’ m a father . I lost my job back in January . Then we lost our flat through lack of funds . I lost my car and my bike . I hit rock bottom and then I started to look for something to help me , so I ’ m here ! I ’ ve done so much since I got here . I have been on a residential trip where I did a night walk which I led , because I was in the air cadets for 5 years and I was an adult instructor in the army cadets . We also did climbing ; kayaking and a 10k walk which I led again and we completed it in just under 4 hours ! Young Devon have helped me to become more ‘ me ’ again . I had a real low point where I was depressed ; I fell out with my friends and family . They have helped me believe in myself again . Now I know , if a problem like that arises again , I can deal with it . I want to be an outdoor education instructor which is what I am doing for my work experience .
Wow ! Good Luck in your future guys ! It sounds great !
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