Yawp Mag Issue 28: Race, Culture and Humour | Page 9

& Suren Jayemanne being here, doing my dream job, it’s given me so many opportunities, but at the same time, all my family’s back home in Sri Lanka, and as time goes on, it’s getting harder to leave my parents. As much as I love Australia, because my folks are back home and I only see them once a year, it’s getting pretty s****y to leave them behind”. Jayemanne recalls a highlight in his career, which occurred during the Melbourne International Comedy Festival in 2014: “I got to perform in the Comedy Zone, which is a showcase where the festival picks five people from across the country. The festival produces it, so they give you all these sweet gigs, so I got to perform at the Town Hall, just a one minute spot, but I think I might do more minute spots, because it’s pretty easy to do well in a minute. I got to perform at the Hi-Fi Bar at the Festival Club as well, so that whole festival was a definite highlight so far”.