Yawp Mag Issue 28: Race, Culture and Humour | Page 10

Kevin Lim “I had to do this gig, for St Patrick’s day and I got asked to dress up as a leprechaun”, starts Michael Hing, explaining the inspiration for his 2013 comedy festival show ‘Occupy White People’, and setting the scene for an interesting discussion on ethnicity and its role in comedy. “This was for charity and they wanted me to pretend to be Irish and do Irish jokes and it was such a confusing thing. I’m not Irish. I don’t do an Irish accent. It’s so bizarre. But it was a charity, so you can’t say ‘no I don’t want Michae to do that’, because then you’re the guy who’s turning down a charity”. So I turn up, and then I find that they’re inducting this guy into this hall of fame, with a lifetime achievement award, and everyone’s teary-eyed and he gives this amazing speech, and then it was time for the comedy. And I come on stage, dressed in this offensive stereotype outfit and it was so awful.” “And I wondered how I got into this situation.