Yawp Mag Issue 28: Race, Culture and Humour | Page 27

Upwards all probability a bunch of Daves themselves champion the underdog and stick it to the man at the same time. Russell Peters is an example of someone who does it well. He seems to have a genuine understanding of the groups he picks on. The best way I can explain that is that it was my Dad (an immigrant from Singapore) who introduced me to him, forwarding me a clip of Russell’s Asian accent, that had already been shared around all his friends, with comments like “this is spot on”. My dad and his friends introduced me to one of the biggest comedians in the world. I’m a little ashamed of that. Worse still, it was a quicktime movie attached to an email, because my dad and his friends hadn’t heard of YouTube yet. But in the hands of a less masterful Dave, more often than not, the bit will lie heavily on stereotypes, and the moment it does, it loses credibility and consequently (whether fairly or unfairly) the perceived “truth” of the bit. I’ve often heard improv people say “don’t play for the laugh, play for the truth”. And although bewildering at the time, it totally makes sense now. Audiences don’t want to hear an uninformed opinion on some else’s culture. That will make them want to put a wall (both emotional and brick) between themselves and you. They want a perspective that has a certain truth to it. It might be something they can identify with, or something that confronts them, but it has to have an honesty to it. Think of it as McDonald’s versus your local souvlaki place. If McDonald started criticising them, that’s not cool, but it’s fine other way around. It’s Aristos vs Goliath. So why then can a Dave can talk a bunch of smack about his girlfriends and it’s fine? Because it’s a specific person, not a generalisation. The audience assumes, regardless of the things he’s saying about her, he has spent enough time with her that it comes from a place of understanding. Of course, this is all one person’s opinion. And for every argument I’ve made, there will be an example of someone purposely doing the opposite to great success. But the more opinions you seek out, the better placed you’ll be to make an informed decision and become the best Dave you can be. Punching up has been there since the beginning of comedy. There’s a reason why it’s a man slipping on a banana peel and not an orphaned African girl. People want to root for the underdog and they want to see them succeed. Especially in this country. So when you think about it, Ethnics verbally bashing White People is one of the most Australian things there is. By Jason Chong, age 34 Fun Game! I’ve put together a quick list of groups in Australia and the hierarchy I think they might form. Do you agree? Disagree? Cut them out and have fun reordering them while Ethnics take all of your women and jobs! 1. The 1% (Rich people) 2. Christians 3. Nickelback 4. Daves 5. Students 6. Hipsters 7. Nerds 8. Environmentalists 9. The Elderly 10. Bogans 11. Greeks and Italians 12. White Women 13. Asians 14. Sub-continental Asians 15. Muslims 16. Physically disabled 17. Mentally disabled