Xtraordinary Women Magazine May 2014 | Page 17

CALCIUM AND MAGNESIUM Calcium and magnesium are necessary to maintain a healthy nervous system, muscles, bones and teeth for your body to function correctly. In order for your body to absorb calcium it needs to be in a 2:1 ratio with magnesium and they both need an acid (Vitamin C) to create the correct PH for absorption by the body Note: Minerals are crystalline structures and allow energy to flow along the building block matrix in the body. FORGOTTEN NUTRIENT – WATER Don’t treat thirst with medication. A new discovery – lack of water in the body – chronic dehydration is the root cause of many painful degenerative diseases, asthma, allergies, hypertension, excess body weight, and some emotional problems including depression. Check the quality of your water too. PLEASE DON’T FORGET YOUR OMEGA 3’S HEALTH TIP Oxygen is essential for life. Increasing your oxygen intake through deep breathing and exercise has been shown to increase your metabolism. Oxygen is the fuel that burns fat. PRICING Calmag- C R 110.00 Vitamin B1 500mg (30) and 100mg (90) R 110.00 Zapitt C – 4000mgs R 160.00 Vitamin E 1000iu – pure vitamin E R 250.00 Potassium Tablets R 65.00 Please contact Sharyn for specialised formula for example Adrenal exhaustion, executive stress formula (Power Formula) and children’s supplements. Resources Dr Andrew Weil – Optimum Health Adelle Davis – Let’s get well F. Batmanghelidj, M.D – Your body’s many cries for water Phyllis A. Balch – Prescription for Nutritional Healing