Xtraordinary Women Magazine May 2014 | Page 16

VITAMINS, ANTI- OXIDANTS AND MINERALS Every minute of every day products are appearing on the market making fantastic claims as the next miracle tablet or formula to solve health issues. Who can blame us for being confused? An optimum diet should provide us with all nutritional requirements however with our lifestyles, environmental toxins, and stress this is not always possible. VITAMINS – a good multi-vitamin including B- Complex should be taken as an insurance against the gaps in our diet A B1 worth mentioning is Vitamin B1 – (Thiamine) is the spark plug of the body’s engine. It is a part of an enzyme that triggers the burning of sugar and converts it to energy, improves the function of T- Cells and is essential for the health of the nervous system. Drugs, Alcohol and refined sugars destroy B1 and inhibit its action. Muscle stiffness from exercise can result from Lactic acid build up in the tissues. B1 breaks this down and can thus provide relief. B1 IS A NATURAL ANTI-DEPRESSANT. ANTI-OXIDANTS Vitamin C – Necessary as a key anti-oxidant to protect the body from all sorts of toxicity it plays an important role in many metabolic functions. Vitamin C is a natural antibiotic and antihistamine Vitamin E – Prevents cell damage by inhibiting the oxidation of fats and the formation of free radicals and is essential to health. Protects the body against heart disease and cancer – feeds the cells with oxygen MINERALS The body needs a number of trace minerals that should be obtained from foods IRON UPDATED IMPORTANT INFORMATION Unless you have a documented iron deficiency report from a medical blood test never take an iron supplement unless recommended by your doctor! Iron is dangerous it is a strong oxidizing agent which can promote cancer and heart disease. Check on vitamin bottles that they do not contain Iron. Best source of Iron is red meat, dried beans, whole grains, apricots, prunes and food cooked in cast iron pots. Vitamin C improves absorption of iron SODIUM – never take additional sodium. There is hidden sodium in fast foods and processed foods. Check labels POTASSIUM – Controls the moisture level in our bodies. If you are salt sensitive or prone to water retention then potassium is recommended.