XL, l'house organ di OPES anno 1, n°7, numero doppio agosto | settembre 2019 | Page 27
Project “Play to Train” (www.playtotrain.eu) is among the
initiatives implemented to favor gender equality in sport.
Through it, OPES, Champion Factory and the Association
Academy Rudi Hiti are working in partnership to increase
the number of women coaches. At the same time, the
project aims to raise awareness on gender equality in sport
also targeting male coaches, managers of sports clubs and
human resources staff to sensitize them to support women
willing to become coaches at the grassroots level. The
project was kicked off last April, when the first face-to-face
meeting was held in Rome at the Foro Italico. The next
phase of the project will see 30 participants from Bulgaria,
Slovenia and Italy, taking part to a training course in Rome
from 4 th to 6 th October. Once back, the national teams
will implement local activities, and the next meeting will
be held in Slovenia at the beginning of 2020. As partner,
OPES is taking part to the project Open Data for Sport
Governance, started in January 2019 and coordinated by
the National Institute of Physical Education of Catalonia
(INEFC). The project aims to create an instrument of
governance and management to analyze, compare and
support sport organizations in Europe effectively and in
a transparent way. The next meeting will take place In
October where next steps will be defined.
OPES, thanks to its international department coordinated
by Sara Massini, is also partner of ENGSO in the CHAMP
project. The activities of the European initiative are focused
on one objective: to modernize the sports environment
and increase the involvement of people in the sport
field. The next CHAMP meeting, scheduled in Rome from
2nd to 4th October will be the occasion to learn about the
first results of the research, started following the Kick Off
Meeting hosted by Sweden in March.
XXL / Agosto - Settembre 2019