XiOX Magazine March 2021 second edition | Page 4

What XiOX Magazine Is All About

Hello every one , I like to introduce my self and thank everyone , who has supported me in making this magazine come to life . Its been in the works and finally decided to give it a go . My name is Fidel Gonzalez , my vision of this magazine is to share the beauty of the entire world with you . For thoses who dont know me , Im a makeup artist turned photographer . I want to give everyone out there hope that you can do anything that your heart desires , all you have to do is believe that you can do it , dont let anyone discourage you . Im not the worlds best speller , I ’ ve been made fun of and ridiculed for it , from strangers who instead of saying something positive , or maybe handing out an extra hand , to help out . Instead they felt the need , to go out there way to say something negative , but they didn ’ t stop there . They proceded to shared my post on social media , and made fun of me . Calling me iliterate and a fraud , telling others in chat group that i was a scam artist , and couldnt be trusted . You would think this would be from the minds of children , but no these were professionals in our industry , his age was 55 years old and the make up artist 45 . They both had such a great time teasing me . This was due to a mispelled word in a give away I was doing . I had bought more product than I needed and thought why not give it away , little did I know I was the entertainment , in a chat full of adults over the age of 28 . I thought , how sad it was they had to make fun of me to make themselves feel better . I have thick skin so I confronted them both by private message they ignored me , so I proceeded to Join in on their festivities , and share that post on my site , to bring awarenes on bullying . I commented on post and said you find great humor in making fun of others , yes I suck at spelling but so what , I also told them , I have done many wonderful things and accomplished great things in my life that spelling didnt have anything to do with it . Talents come in many ways . They questioned what have I done , I said well for starters I own a extermination / construction company that I started with my partner that is going strong , been in business 18 years . I have 13 world tittles in The American Paint Horse Association . I didnt just win the championships but I decided to do all training , and create a sucssessful horse breeding program . Based on horse genetics and pedigree and nutition . Not even knowing anything about horses , when I started to building a great reputation with my competitors . I tought my self horse nutition , how to care for them properly , even some veterenary care . I also tought my self how to collect stallions and artifialialy inseminate mares , I learned foal development , Equine reproduction , That is a science in its own . How I got started in showing horses . Was I had bought a mare in foal , when that baby foal was born against every one saying to geld him , due to his color patern being so discrative , That it would be hard to win with him . Against the odds I showed that foal up and down the states winning every where I took him . I took California state champion with him , won multiple money futurities . All this as a yearling . I Took 3rd in the world show my first year out of 30 horses in theshow ring . I competed with some of the wealthiest people in the world . I came home and decided I wanted to win the world just once . I put hard work , dedication I started training my own horses , I bred my stallion to my show mares and I raised world champions and multiple futurity champions .
I came back to compete once again in the world show in Fortwoth Texas with my two horses , I won with both , I continued to come back and win more tittles . I was competing with competetors who would just go buy horses that were winning , unlike my partner and I who started everything from raising the stalion to breeding him and foaling out world champions . Had the honor in Jerry Wells Showing my horses at the world show . This man is The Hall Of Fame in Quarter Horse . We became great friends , He told me I was doing great work with my horses . I finally retired from the horses to persue my passion for makeup artistry and photography , I have worked with some of the most tallented and famous artist in the world , been hired by fashion magazines , worked with celebrities , I also helped others along the way . I said its people like you who make me stronger every time . Your negativity blinds you on how beautiful this world could be , by just helping others . I was so bothered by that , not for my feelings , but for others who might not have the tuff skin I have . At that point the Idea of this Magazine started in my head , as a tool to inpire and create and show case beautiful art . Im here to tell you that if you put your mind to something and help others along the way , great things start to happen . Nothing is perfect , we see peoples lives on social media on T . V and think they live a happy and perfect life . Its not true , every one starts off the same way , the thing is you dont see the hard ships , or the strees , lack of sleep , long hours , free work you have to do to get ahead . You only see the sucsess , every thing you do in life is a strugle and a fight . Back when the market crashed , my partner and I lost everything we owned , our two homes and my mothers house we were paying for , we had to hide our car from the banks under fake trash bags so they wouldnt repo it . We kept each other strong and continues to move forward not letting this stop us from our dreams , besides all these things we just materialistic . We had each other . We kept working paying our payments late on our car , and when we could make the payments we had to just hide our car till we did . Im not assamed that I lost everything , I honestly didnt care I had my love ones . We finaly lost our home that had 2 houses on it . On my birthday we had to be out the house , We kept faith and one day before my Birthday we found a property for lease and moving out my house and moving in the new one . I still had my horses as well , and my parents . We started up a cleaning company to pick up the slack with our construction company , that we still own till this day . We started to pick up on business even with the market down , we found a way to make a good living . I was able to support my family , and continue with the goals I had . Wining the world titles 2 years after that . I have Dyslexia and suck at spelling , I ’ m also tone deaf on top of that lol so what , I lost everything I owned before and had to build it all up again , its life . Im here to tell you , dont let anyone tell you diffrent , dont be affraid to do what you dream of , just do it . Surround your self with creative positive people , and help others along the way as someone possibly helped you . I have noticed that many in our same industry dont help others , in the fear they might lose a job or client , its called insecurity and if you lose them they were never yours to keep . Be confident not conceited , lend out a helping hand when your able to help someone in need .