XiOX Magazine March 2021 second edition | Page 3

Hello Fellow XiOXers ,
Hi XiOXers , I Hope you guys are doing well , Sadly I have lost 2 family memebers to Covid -19 and one friend . We have a vacinne and many are waiting to get vacinated . I am looking for the day things start to better for the world to heal . This has been horrible for many around the world lets take a moment of silence for all who lost the battle . many things are changing on the world and its time for us to take a moment for our self care . Mental health has had a huge impact and I have been suffering from anxiety and some depression and been in the hospital for thinking it was heart related I had to get a therapist and that helped me out so much that I highly recomend you get one if you are suffering from any mental helth and depression . Suicides are another monster and I have had a few friends lose theit loved ones to this . I have been speaking out on this and will continue as I am a suicide suvivor and know the other side very well I hope to reach those who may feel alone or suffering from it . So club house has been the new social media app for me at the moment . XiOX Magazine will soon have a club and speak on important topics outside of beauty and fashion . I have some new projects coming that im working hard on and I cant wait to share that with you guys . Thank you to all that sent in editorials to XiOX Magazine we appreciate that so much . So , without any further ado , its time to let the enchantment begin , are you ready to XiOX ?
All The Best , xxFIDELxx


Hello Fellow XiOXers ,

Hi XiOXers , I Hope you guys are doing well , Sadly I have lost 2 family memebers to Covid -19 and one friend . We have a vacinne and many are waiting to get vacinated . I am looking for the day things start to better for the world to heal . This has been horrible for many around the world lets take a moment of silence for all who lost the battle . many things are changing on the world and its time for us to take a moment for our self care . Mental health has had a huge impact and I have been suffering from anxiety and some depression and been in the hospital for thinking it was heart related I had to get a therapist and that helped me out so much that I highly recomend you get one if you are suffering from any mental helth and depression . Suicides are another monster and I have had a few friends lose theit loved ones to this . I have been speaking out on this and will continue as I am a suicide suvivor and know the other side very well I hope to reach those who may feel alone or suffering from it . So club house has been the new social media app for me at the moment . XiOX Magazine will soon have a club and speak on important topics outside of beauty and fashion . I have some new projects coming that im working hard on and I cant wait to share that with you guys . Thank you to all that sent in editorials to XiOX Magazine we appreciate that so much . So , without any further ado , its time to let the enchantment begin , are you ready to XiOX ?

All The Best , xxFIDELxx

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